Get Extra Edge with This 5 Best AngularJS Framework

AngularJS has been identified as one of the most important and recognized open-source JavaScript web application frameworks, under the maintenance of Google. Without a doubt, it has been able to adequately address and solve problems related to the development of single-page applications. It also helps the web development company improve the potential of Model View Controller (MVC), as well as browser-based applications and simplify development work and application testing.

However, when it comes to selecting the appropriate framework for the development of AngularJS, the task can be complicated. One of the main reasons that lead to a difficult choice is due to the availability of a series of front-end frames that support AngularJS.

So, let’s explore some of the best and powerful AngularJS frameworks that developers are more than happy to work with.


  1. Ionic frame

Ionic Framework is one of the most capable and robust AngularJS front-end frameworks. It is also the first preferred choice of the web development company. If you want to create responsive applications within a less estimated budget, then it is a perfect selection. Not only does it help in the continuous operation of smartphones, but it also improves the experience of end-users.

It extends its support to mobile applications based on HTML5 and CSS3 and the framework can be easily optimized with ionic. It has also been powered by the Software Development Kit (SDK) and a library of user interface components to create hybrid applications.


  1. LumX

When it comes to choosing the best equipment for the front-end framework, LumX is positioned as one of the key players in the development of the web-based application. Follow all the important specifications and standards of the Google Material Design Documents.

If you plan to create custom applications, look no further than LumX that has been created with Sass, Bourbon and Neat. It has the potential to automatically optimize your files and improve application functionality. It is strong and can create a single page very quickly.


  1. Supersonic

Supersonic is an AngularJS front-end framework that has established its name as a reliable and dynamic framework used to develop hybrid applications. It has been implemented with the features and functions of the REST API (application programming interface).

With Supersonic at your fingertips, designing intuitive application interfaces will probably be the easiest task for developers. You can also integrate data in the backend. API-based applications can be developed for iOS and Android operating systems.


  1. Mobile Angular UI

The mobile angular user interface has been recognized as another framework based on the user interface that has caught the attention of web developers. He has proven himself in creating HTML5 mobile applications.

Bootstrap and AngularJS optimization helps powerful libraries, including overthrow.js and fastclick.js. You can also take advantage of important moving elements such as overlays, scrolling, switches, sidebars, etc. You can design applications that will attract a lot of traffic with high response designs.


  1. Bootstrap angular user interface

Bootstrap of angular UI, as the name implies, is a bootstrap of robust and efficient front-end frames that are backed by different components. HTML5 and CSS support gives you an additional boost that helps develop the native AngularJS directive.

Another notable point is that developers no longer have to rely on Bootstrap jQuery or JavaScript. It is advisable to choose a new directive, such as carousel, colour picker, drop-down menu, etc. In most cases, the new directives can be smaller than the actual size of the JavaScript code.



AngularJS is, without a doubt, the most popular of the JavaScript frameworks that have greatly facilitated the web development company with the design of web and mobile applications. The developer has to make the right choice of the framework of the given options.

Today with the drastic change in technology, web development company are also changing their methodologies and adopting technology that is fast, accurate and simpler.


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Source: Mind Inventory
