5 Major Benefits of Opting Meteor.js

Meteor.js is one of the most popular free and open-source JavaScript web frameworks that are based on the isomorphic model. It is written in Node.js and is used by web development company like Moz Web Development to create multi-platform mobile web applications for Android and iOS platforms. 

Web development company generally implement this with MongoDB. Besides, it also helps to publish and subscribe patterns along with the use of the Distributed Data Protocol. With Meteor, the developer’s job is simplified since he doesn’t have to write the synchronized codes.

Now let’s take a closer look at the other advantages of using Meteor.js and see why web development company considered it the optimal framework for their web development project.


  1. Meteor.js allows the use of only one language

We have already discussed previously that Meteor.js has played an important role in simplifying the tasks of web developers. Previously, developers had to undertake the thorough work of using both front-end and back-end languages ​​along with the database.

However, the developers feel quite relieved after the arrival of Meteor, since they now have to use only one language and that is JavaScript to implement the front-end, the backend and the database.

It should be noted that if the code is executed on the server or the server, it creates a collection. However, when codes are executed on the front end or the client-side by default, it becomes a pure local collection.


  1. Offers ease of real-time applications by default

The mobile and web development company is transforming with the emergence of new trends at regular intervals. One of the popular trends witnessed these days is the introduction of real-time web applications.

The king of social networks Facebook and Twitter have already begun to offer this benefit to their millions of users. Real-time applications work instinctively and, as such, the user does not need to open a separate page to perform different tasks.

User template data will be updated automatically if the database is updated. If a user submits and submits a form, the action is carried out in real-time very easily. Then, when you are creating a web application, you get real-time applications by default.


  1. The broad support of the great community

The fact that it offers the advantage of detailed documentation along with rich and useful resources turns out to be the greatest positive aspect of using this framework. Resources include Crater, Evented Mind and Kadira, etc.

Since it is an easy framework to work, you don’t have to spend much time learning the basics and Meteor.js is there to stay in the future.


  1. Faster to build and easier to learn

Today is the era of cutting-edge technology and customers are looking for an approach that offers their product in less time with maximum performance. This is where Meteor.js proves to be a real asset for developers. Web development company can create a web application in about a week.

When it comes to language learning, it would be easier for you to learn if you are a newer student. Yes, you should indeed be familiar with some of the JavaScript variable loop conditionals, such as JSON, but you do not need to be a JavaScript expert.


  1. Convert web applications into smartphone applications

If you are looking to convert your web applications into smartphone applications, you can take the help of Meteor.js without hesitation. Web applications become applications for smartphones using the Cordova platform.

Besides, you can even create native applications with JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It allows you to implement native functions such as camera, GPS, etc.


The bottom line

Although Meteor.js has received a positive response from global developers, it is still new to the JavaScript framework dictionary. It is constantly slowing down and gaining ground and offers a range of benefits.

One of the main aspects is that it has simplified the work of developers and offers broad support from the community. This makes the work of the web development company more faster and the project more scalable.


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Source: mind inventory
