5 Common Mistakes of AngularJS Developer

When reading and reviewing code online on the AngularJS platform you may find that Angular developers often make some mistakes. The chances of committing a mistake for a rookie are always greater than an expert web development company. The only thing that makes a difference is the experience of using software which an expert web development company have in plenty. 

So, let’s take a look at some of the common mistakes made by Angular developers and how they can refrain from them.

  1. Failing to unsubscribe 

Being part of the Angular developer team, you cannot simply give an excuse to ignore or not unsubscribe. In Angular, you must clean your subscriptions.

Since constant subscription leads to memory losses in a system, this risk of lack of skill develops and becomes a big problem. When it comes to unsubscribing, two basic scenarios are seen:

  • Start the OnDestroy life cycle link in case it is in your subscribed component.
  • Request the link of the life cycle on your own in case it is a service to which you have previously subscribed.


  1. Not Organizing Codes Properly

In AngularJS, one of the key parts of coding is organizing your codes. Generally, you must have a controller for a view while working with MVC. Since this controller is your main layer and you must create compact compartments within this logic layer for each area of ​​your applications.

Putting an additional concept on a single controller is a common mistake. In case you need to compartmentalize your layer so that your application makes sense, never look for alternative ways. Instead, create smaller organized units for the logical layer. 


  1. Participating in the jQuery

To deal with events and make modifications to the DOM more easily, developers use jQuery, which is a common library. On the other hand, the Angular platform is used to develop scalable applications, application tests, application creation and, therefore, cannot use it to create HTML documents.

The angular frame has many features; therefore, a developer must either have an idea about all the accessible functions before involving jQuery in the creation of applications or should hire a web development company. Besides, in case you need to alter the DOM, you don’t have to use jQuery.


  1. Failing to Examine

To ignore examining an application before launching it is a common mistake of Angular developers since they don’t realize that many environments can throw errors.

According to a leading web development company, you don’t have to get an environment with every operating system; instead, you should examine your application with the use of well-known cross-browser test tools.


  1. Fixing Scope Setting

In general, the angular frame has its scope principles. For example, the easy application of data sources restricted to a model can cause a setback in the link system.

However, difficulties come to ensure that names are completely revised. In Angular, references pass non-primitives while value passes primitives. To solve this problem completely, a developer must assemble all scope objects accurately.


The Final Thought

It is quite normal to make a mistake and everyone does it. When a developer writes some codes and reads them later, they often don’t even understand why they wrote those codes that way. It will be the biggest obstacle to avoid your mistake. 

A developer needs to constantly increase his skill. The angular developer in the web development company is efficient because they mastered the utility of AngularJS by creating a list of their errors and rewriting all codes correctly.


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Source: mind Inventory
